Take A Poem… Leave A Poem…

TypeAPoem.com is in its trial stages… Join in to help make it better!

Mission Statement


TypeAPoem.com was started by child poet and author R. Renée Bembry who has poetry published in educational materials and online enterprises. After thinking about how so many people create their own cards these days but do not have poems to go along with their photos or drawings, Ms. Bembry decided to bring the writers and card makers together. After all, there are plenty of sites online where surfers can download free photos for cards and other types of creative works. So, why not have a similar outlet for poems. Just as everyone is not an image artist, we are not all poetic artists either. So when our twenty-first century activities call on us to put our creative skills together, we should be able to do so even if the effort calls for our collective creative skills to accomplish the job. The way Ms. Bembry sees it, there is nothing wrong with helping each other out…


When you need a poem for that card you just created for a loved one, a friend, a favorite teacher, or to break the ice of a potential heart throb…


Perhaps a cool poem comes to you out of the blue and you have no idea what to do with it…

Come on over to TypeAPoem.com and post it for unknown souls looking for the gift you were given to share with the world!

TypeAPoem.com is here for every special… known or unexpected occasion when you need and must find or have and care to share that perfect poem!

Now for a few policies

Age Requirement

TypeAPoem requires visitors be at least 13 years old when utilizing this site. Those under 13 with poems to share must get permission/assistance from an adult  before sharing their work. Each user who posts poetry at this site or requests their poem submissions be posted at this site, in doing so, asserts that he or she is 13 years old or older.

Trading Poems

To clarify, trading poems does not mean every time you take a poem you must leave one. What it does mean is that (1) when you need a poem, feel free to come borrow poetic prose left by another user; and (2) when you have poems to share, come by and drop off your offerings for others to borrow. This is sort of like today’s photo fanatics posting and sharing pictures and illustrations online. Borrow poems when you need to. Drop off poems when you have poetry to share.

Writer’s Credits

Anyone who writes and donates poetry to this site should be recognized for their work. Each user should be aware of this fact and vi to live by the rules of giving credit where credit is due. So whenever you borrow a poem, give the author his or her due credit. And when you drop off poetry, be sure to add your name so that you may receive credit as well. With that said, users preferring to remain anonymous may do so by requesting anonymity or simply not adding bylines to their submissions.

All that is required in the way of giving credit for authors when borrowing his or her work is publishing their name as the author in printed materials, audio recordings, and video recordings. This includes giving authors their due credit when borrowing their poetic works for websites or any other medium wherein poems are depicted as well. And if you need a poem for a recital, give the author credit as well.

The Honor System

TypeAPoem.com has confidence that poems posted at this site will be legitimately donated by its users. All the same, since this is the age of the internet, users should acknowledge, as does TypeAPoem.com, that copyright infringement seekers have developed dozens of programs that anyone may utilize to uncover duplicated text. Users of this site should note that the second an author posts his or her work to the internet, that writing becomes immediately copyright protected. With this understanding, the thoughtful of heart should appreciate why this site utilizes the honor system for all works posted here.

It takes very little to write an author’s name beneath their work so he or she may receive well-deserved credit for creating and posting beautiful poems here for everyone to see, read, and borrow. You know… Just like you deserve credit for the poetry you share here at TypeAPoem.com.

One Big Fat Important Note

Guests choosing to donate poems to this site or the TypeAPoem.com blog enter an agreement with TypeAPoem.com and its users that the mere act of posting, emailing, or submitting works for this site or its blog by any other means, including entering works in forms attached to this site or its blog, are doing so with the knowledge and approval that all other users of this site and its blog may utilize said works as they see fit and that the sole compensation for donators is knowing other users are invited to find appreciation in utilizing each author’s works. No monetary compensation is due to authors donating works to this website or its blog.

With that said… Users have the opportunity to earn points while logging in and posting comments to TypeAPoem.com. Currently, the points are merely for fun… see how many you can earn… this may change later as the site gets going…

Categories will be created and added to this site as needed to make placing and finding poems a smooth and easy process.

When submitting poems, users may suggest categories if the current list does not include topics that match their poetry themes.

Users may also suggest categories simply because they think they would generate great poetry topic ideas.

This new website is just getting started so if you found it in its beginning stages, don’t forget to bookmark the page for future reference… Oh… and don’t forget to tell a friend so they can bookmark the page as well…